LUCY mini Instructional Videos

LUCY mini Instructional Video 1: Unboxing and Attaching Head

What comes in the LUCY mini box and how to attach the optical head to the flex arm.

LUCY mini Instructional Video 2: Clamping to Table

Learn how to clamp the LUCY mini to the table for right and left handed people.

LUCY mini Instructional Video 3: Image Brightness

Learn how the LUCY mini image brightness works and how to use the filter to make the image brighter or dimmer.

LUCY mini Instructional Video 4: Image Placement and Size

Learn how to adjust the size and placement of the LUCY mini image.

LUCY mini Instructional Video 5: Drawing

Learn how to draw the LUCY mini reflected image.

LUCY mini Instructional Video 6: Using LUCY mini Sitting

Learn to use the LUCY mini while sitting looking forward at the subject.

LUCY mini Instructional Video 7: Using Photo Enlarger with LUCY mini

Learn to use the LUCY mini with Photo Enlarger accessory.

LUCY mini Instructional Video 8: Using Photo Enlarger Sitting

Learn to use the LUCY mini with Photo Enlarger accessory while sitting looking forward at the photo.

Using The LUCY mini with the LUCY Easel